The Old Sabrot Blog

This site is designated as a memory dump for the Sabrot. If other people, who aren't me, happen across it, it's a behind the scenes look at the making of the Sabrot. What's the Sabrot? Well... it's a magazine. And it's good. You should read it.

Friday, March 18, 2005


This Blog is kinda boring... I gotta think of a way to make it better.


My 20th deadline is getting close. Today is the 18th and I'm leaving town tonight and getting back tomorrow. That's the 19th. That gives me one night to write the Sabrot. Well... I guess it's been done before, but usually on the 28th or something.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Submit or be heard not

It is the 11th of March and Charles is the only one who has submitted. I think I will be writing a lot of this months issue myself... Maybe another issue written by mostly me will encourage them to send something in next month. We Shall see... Okay, that was boring, lets try something a little more exciting. Wow! I get to write the entire issue by myself, I'm so excited! Charles sent something funny from when he was a kid and well... that's it! Eh, that's not exactly what I'm looking for, what about something that's a little more... Shakespearian. The ides of March approach with Hermes. My preparation is inadequate, yet, my heart is hopeful. I will stand against this enemy, external or internal. I will rise to the occasion. Alone with Charles by my side. And then, when victory is in our hands, we will throw it away and kill oursevles. Well... that's definately different... what about in a tranliterated alien language. Goof naggiem ratagineg fogheemstratta gucci. Okay, that's enough of that.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Sabrot has arrived

The Sabrot is a maginzine that I print every month. I am making this blog thinking that I may want to write information about the changes as it comes out. But not tonight.